Which Garments Should You Have Dry Cleaned?

There are some items of clothing which you simply cannot put in the washing machine. These things will need to be dry-cleaned instead. If you choose to ignore this and wash them by other means, you could end up with a shrunken, discoloured or damaged item. Let’s take a look at which things you usually need to take for dry cleaning, and why.

What Is Dry Cleaning?

Dry cleaning is a process that involves cleaning fabrics without using water. This is usually done on fabrics which water and heat will damage. Water is able to damage some fabrics because it causes a swelling process to happen. The solvents used in dry cleaning do not swell as water does.

The clothes still get wet, but the solvent used only contains a very small amount of water. This liquid evaporates very quickly and is very efficient at removing oily and greasy residues. Once this is done, the cleaner will steam and press the garment.


Silk is a luxurious fabric with a beautiful sheen. Real silk is expensive and requires very special attention when being cleaned. Washing silk at the incorrect temperature can result in it warping, which will effectively ruin your garment. The best way to clean silk items is to take them to the dry cleaner.

Handing cleaning back close up

Leather Items

You can buy leather jackets really cheap if you go second-hand. However, you probably want to get them cleaned before you start to wear them. You can’t chuck leather in the washing machine, it will only damage the material. To preserve the look and feel of real leather, it must be dry-cleaned carefully. Leather is incredibly difficult to fix when it tears, so it’s not worth the risk of cleaning it through other methods.

The same applies to suede, which is a special type of leather that’s even more difficult to maintain. Suede can stain even with a splash of water. Professional dry cleaners will use special products to clean suede to ensure that the finish isn’t ruined.


Real wool products are very warm, but also very delicate. When cleaned improperly, wool will shrink. You should never put wool in the washing machine, as it’s far too harsh. You can clean it by hand. However, every now and then we recommend taking your wool products to the dry cleaners for a thorough wash.

For Dry Cleaning, Choose Edwards Laundry Services

We can clean your delicate items with our professional equipment and trained hands. Get in touch today if you’d like to make an enquiry.

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